Four Corners Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD)

Pierce County, WA / ONGOING

The Four Corners area at S 19th and Mildred is a unique planning context at the intersection of three different cities, Tacoma, Fircrest, and University Place. The intersection is also home to a diverse array of businesses, a transit center, the Tacoma Community College, and the Tacoma Housing Authority. Significant growth in jobs and housing is planned for the area as well as a Link Light rail terminal by 2041. At the same time, current residents and commercial tenants are at high risk for displacement and environmental and economic impacts with the amount of growth anticipated. With funding from a USDOT Thriving Communities grant, Seva Workshop is supporting WSP and a group of local partners in setting the stage for equitable transit oriented development. Our team designed and deployed a survey, conducted stakeholder interviews, researched the regulatory context, developed an equity framework, and hosted a planning charrette to culminate in a unified community vision for the area that agency partners can work toward.

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