Lummi Nation Community Plan
Lummi Reservation (Whatcom County, WA) / 2022
Project completed while at BERK Consulting
Radhika and Lisa led the development of the first Community Plan for the Lummi Nation, the original inhabitants of Washington’s northernmost coast and southern British Columbia. The Lummi Nation is a federally recognized sovereign Indian Tribe that manages nearly 13,000 acres of tidelands on the Lummi Reservation.
The team worked with the Nation to develop a document that would honor the Lummi Nation’s past, help them make thoughtful decisions in the present, and support them as they shape their own future. Radhika and Lisa partnered with Tribal leadership to design and implement an engagement strategy that informed the Plan.
The Community Plan sets forth a vision for the stewardship of the Lummi Reservation, wellbeing and prosperity of the Lummi people, and effective governance that creates the best future for all. In addition to planning for the future of transportation, housing, and land use, the Community Plan addresses topics such as culture, sustainability, and community wellness.
The Plan’s Community Design Framework addresses existing urban design patterns and establishes a framework for future land use.
In addition to illustrating the Vision Statement and foundational concepts of the Community Plan, this chapter integrates key themes from engagement with Tribal members and the Lummi Indian Business Council department directors.
Ultimately, the Community Design Framework introduces a network of Landmarks, Mixed-use Villages, and Residential Villages to guide future development decisions. This network concentrates mixed-use development in compact, cohesive, walkable place-based nodes throughout the Lummi Reservation.
One of the client’s priorities for the development of this Community Plan was to encourage greater community participation and input in Tribal governance.
The project team conducted a robust survey, along with a series of community conversations, interviews, pop-up events, commission meetings, and informational briefings.
This work led to the identification of key themes that were the driving force of the planning effort: addressing housing needs, preserving and strengthening culture, environmental stewardship, and support for youth/early childhood development.
Read the Lummi Nation Community Plan.
Photos: Lummi Nation Community Plan & New York Times
We are fishers, hunters, gatherers, and harvesters of nature’s abundance. We envision our homeland as a place where we enjoy an abundant, safe, and healthy life in mind, body, society, environment, space, time and spirituality; where all are encouraged to succeed and none are left behind.