“Seamless Seattle” Pedestrian Wayfinding Program

Seattle, WA / ONGOING


Seva staff designed and implemented a stakeholder engagement process for the pilot phase of the City’s wayfinding effort, Seamless Seattle, and are currently supporting outreach and engagement for the next phase of implementation.

For the pilot phase, Seva staff collaborated with an international team of planners and designers to develop a stakeholder engagement program that would generate excitement and support for a citywide wayfinding system. The engagement plan identified key stakeholders, review boards, project team roles, decision points, and communication methods that would build support and cooperation among stakeholders. Seva staff provided planning and facilitation services for a layered series of meetings with interagency stakeholder working groups and advisory groups, as well as public reference panels, focus groups, and pilot site working groups.

Seva is currently leading engagement for the implementation of additional wayfinding signs to be installed along Seattle’s Waterfront, in the Seattle Center/Uptown neighborhood, the Chinatown-International District, Convention Center district, and Pike Place Market.


By offering interpretation services and meeting stakeholders in their own neighborhoods, the final pilot wayfinding systems reflect each neighborhood's distinct needs and cultures. By inviting voices of and for people with disabilities to working sessions, the final system is safer and more accessible to a wider range of users.
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